Thursday, December 29, 2011

Big Girl Room

This year we decided Everlee was ready for her BIG girl room. She was too big for her toddler bed, and was becoming more responsible and independent. We wanted to create a space where she could grow as a young lady. We also wanted to give her an area of privacy so she could have an area to play with her toys on her own, with friends, and also with Mommy and Daddy. We found a white sleigh bed and dresser which gave her plenty of storage for the toys she didn't use quite as often. We created a bookshelf to house her favorite books and photos of the family. Since this was her room, we wanted her input when it came to the color. We should have easily guessed she would say "blue". Luckily, the fabric Mommy picked out months ago correlated with the blue paint swatch.
Everlee adapted to her new room with ease. At first, she wanted to play with the train table and dollhouse Santa Claus brought instead of climbing into bed but it didn't take too much convincing when she realized there was a much larger bed awaiting her. It is hard to believe she has reached this stage in her life in what seems to be such a short amount of time. It seems like only yesterday we were putting her crib together, waiting for her arrival. I hope this new stage won't go quite as quickly.

Ribbon board and dresser

The dollhouse Santa Claus brought Everlee. She has spent
hours playing with the dolls and putting the whole family to bed.

Everlee's sleigh bed which has nice large drawers to hide
all her unused toys. MiMi also made the bedspread and pillows.

Daddy painted a tree on the wall to help go along with the
Owl accents used to decorate the room.

The plaque was from Friended so Everlee would always
remember to be brave, smart, and strong.

A shelf full of books is always a must.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Blue Bell Revealed!

Everlee's one Christmas wish was for a "Blue Bell". She started talking about this bell right after Halloween and never wavered. We made sure to write Santa Claus a nice long letter, and she explained to Santa's helpers specifically what she wanted with each faithful visit. We were all excited Christmas morning when Santa Claus had hung the bell from the tree. I think, Mom and Dad, were more excited than Everlee.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Although every Christmas season seems to be our favorite, I think I can honestly say this year was the best. Everlee was really into the Christmas spirit and she seemed to notice every sign and symbol. She even made a statement that "it smelled like Christmas". We practiced our favorite holiday traditions of trimming the tree, visiting Santa Claus (numerous times), decorating our Gingerbread house, looking at Christmas lights, and watching our favorite holiday movies. We continued our yearly tradition with visits to Maryland and Pennsylvania. Even though the trips are long, we can never seem to get enough of family and friends. This year we even had the chance to see our cousin Scott's Llama farm. It was pretty interesting to see Llamas up close and personal. Along with our traditional celebrations, we included a few new traditions along the way. We had a surprise visit from Owl the Elf and we went to the Smithsonian Museum in D.C. to see the holiday decorations and dinosaurs. Everlee's favorite gifts this year were her dollhouse, train table, blue bell, mermaid Barbie, and her new Big girl room. We were fortunate to celebrate Christmas several times this year but we always remembered to take time to be thankful for the things that truly mattered. Friends, Family, Health, and Happiness!

Visiting with Santa

Our Gingerbread House

Smithsonian in D.C.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Owl the Elf

This Christmas season we had a very special visitor from the North Pole. On the first of December a cute little fellow appeared at our home hidden in one of our stockings. Everlee noticed him right away, and decided to name him "Owl". Owl was an Elf from the North Pole who would visit us for the month of December. He flew home every night to inform Santa Claus about Everlee's behavior. When Owl returned, he would land in a new spot in the house which had to be sought out by Everlee. Everlee jumped out of bed every morning calling, "Owl, where are you?" It never took her very long to find his new hiding place. Next year, we will have to encourage Owl to be a little more creative when it comes to his hiding spots. Owl hid in the stockings, the tree, the chandeliers, the ceiling fans, the bathroom sink, the pot rack, in a suitcase, and even Everlee's Play House. Owl even managed to visit us in Maryland and Pennsylvania when we were traveling for the holidays. He was a very faithful Elf. Everlee soon discovered, Owl flew much better when she gave him a BIG hug and kiss each morning. Although, it was hard to see Owl return to the North Pole, we are excited to await his arrival next year.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Blue Bell!

Everlee's favorite color for the past year has been blue so we weren't surprised when she asked for a Blue Bell for Christmas. At first, we thought this phase would pass and she would create a much longer list come Christmas. However, her loyalty to the Blue Bell stuck and she made sure to let everyone know she wanted Santa to bring her a Blue Bell. I bet Santa hopes he gets off this easy each Christmas season.

Sing Your Heart Out!

Everlee is determined to be the next American Idol Star. She loves to sing songs from school, the radios biggest hits, and songs taught in Sunday School. Her current hits are, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Jingle Bells, Rain Rain Go away, and her most famous number I got You! We are not quite sure where she learned the last song or what the exact words are but it seems to be her #1 hit!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Check This Out

Everlee has started to talk more and more these days. I always look forward to our backseat conversations on the way home from school. I can't help but laugh at the way she is developing her own phrases and little sayings. Just the other day, we were playing with Everlee's Legos (her favorite new toy) when she said, "Hey,Mom! Check this out!" Followed by, "Oh, my! Look at this!" while placing her hand on her cheek. She is taking right after me, and becoming quite the social butterfly.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


While on our cruise this summer, Everlee discovered her love of Pirates. She participated in a Pirate Adventure aboard the cruise ship and her fascination catapulted from there. Everlee's new favorite show is, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, on the Disney channel. She loves to chime in and declare the password while fighting along to stop Captain Hook. Naturally, for Halloween Everlee wanted to be a pirate. Her favorite joke became, "What is a Pirate's favorite letter?" "Arrrrrgh!!"

Friday, October 14, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!

Ever since, Everlee, was a few months old we started taking her to the Pumpkin Patch at the local church. It gives us a chance to take some great fall pictures and Everlee loves to pick out a pumpkin for each member of the family. Usually, her favorite toy at the time will also get their very own pumpkin as well. This year, Everlee was able to take more of an active role. She picked out several large pumpkins, many which were green with large bumps. It made us realize she understands the beauty which lies within. Everlee carried her own pumpkins and helped pull the wagon. It is so much fun to watch her maneuver her way around the pumpkin patch because it is clear she is on a mission. She always seems to know exactly what she is looking for. We never leave without the Perfect Pumpkin!

The Scarecrow was there to greet us!


Finding the Perfect Pumpkin!

I have this wagon under control!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Going on Three!

When Everlee was first born my mom told me to treasure every moment because time "flies by". I always knew it would go by quickly but you never know until you have a child of your own just how quickly time "flies by". Every day, Everlee becomes a little taller, her hair a little longer, and she becomes more and more independent. She is know longer a baby but a remarkable, bright, and creative little girl. This summer we celebrated her third birthday along with many, many milestones. Along with turning three, Everlee has learned to express her likes and dislikes. She isn't afraid to tell us what she needs, wants, or what she thinks might not be fair. Here are few of her favorite things.......

Everlee's once love for Sesame Street quickly changed to Dora the Explorer and Go, Diego, Go. Everlee loved Dora so much we had a Dora the Explorer Safari themed birthday party. Along with Dora and Diego, Everlee loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. If Everlee were to choose a movie for movie night it would most likely be: Toy Story 1,2, or 3, Monsters Inc., Tinkerbell, and the Polar Express.

Everlee's favorite past time is playing in her play room with all of her toys. She loves her Buzz Light Year and Woody doll from Toy Story. Currently, Everlee enjoys taking ALL of her toys and placing them/organizing them into various bags. She will use purses, backpacks, plastic bags, and even buckets to sort her favorite toys. Before we leave the house each day, Everlee, will fill a purse or bag with as many items as she can fit. We have had quite a few broken zippers in our house lately.

Everlee has always had a love for music and dancing. She seems to have been born with the rythym I lacked as a child. Everlee loves to dance to any type of music. She also loves to sing songs like: Twinkle, Twinkle, ABC's, Rain, Rain Go Away, The Wheels on the Bus, and the Itsy, Bitsy Spider. She also has a "You" song which is her all time favorite. We still have not quite figured out the origin of this song.

Each day, Everlee begins to talk more and more. My favorite part of the day is the when we have our little conversations in the car after school. She tells me about her day, what she played outside, the art project they created in class, and who she played with in the classroom. Everlee leaves school each day saying, "Bye School! See you again tomorrow." A few of Everlee's favorite phrases are: "I'm coming Mommy." (This is while she is stuffing her bags as we are trying to leave the house.) We may hear, "I'm coming Mommy!" 5 or 6 times before we actually make it out the door. Everlee always starts a story with, "I know..." She loves to play tickle monster and will often sneak up to us, tickle our toes, and say, "Tickle Tickle". She loves how this phrase turns into a game of Tickle-Monster. Whenever, Everlee sees a flower she claims it is, "Mimi's flower". My mom was amazing at how many flowers she had in and around Wilmington. Every flower belonged to her.

Blue, Blue Blue! Everlee's world would be perfect if everything was covered in the color blue. She wants blue nail polish to paint her toys, blue Popsicles after school, blue juice at dinner, and blue ice cream on her birthday cake. If Everlee is ever given a choice of color, she will always pick blue. In the weeks leading up to her birthday party, Everlee would tell everyone she was having, "blue i cream with my cake!"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bee, Go Home!

Everlee received her first bee sting while swimming in our pool on Sunday. She took it rather well and put on a very brave face. Although, the situation was not funny, her remark was rather humorous. We showed Everlee what was left of the bee and she firmly stated, "Bee, go home! This is my pool."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Everlee is currently dedicated to Dora the Explorer. It is what she asks
to watch morning, noon, and night aside from her favorite movies (Obviously, she doesn't watch TV morning, noon, and night). We decided to throw her a Dora the Explorer Safari themed party. Everlee invited, friends, family, and neighbors to help her celebrate her special day. It was a perfect day to splash in the pool, indulge in too much pizza, and devour our favorite Apple Annie cake. I think Everlee's favorite part of the day was when everyone gathered around to sing "Happy Birthday". She definitely stocked up on her wishes because she tried to blow out the candles numerous times. No one ever said you couldn't have more than one birthday wish!

Sporting Your Safari Gear

Say Cheese!

Waiting Patiently for the Cake

Apple Annie's Masterpiece

Ready to Make a Wish

Blowing Out the Candles

Sharing with Our Friends

Just One Little Taste

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Music Video

Everlee has truly turned into a music loving, dancing queen. Whenever she has a free moment she will start to dance and sing a tune. One evening, we had friends visiting from Maryland who also had a daughter who loved to sing and dance. It didn't take the girls long before they decided to make their own music videos. I love how Everlee isn't afraid to let her spirit shine. She really knows how to light up a room and make everyone present want to get up and dance.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dominican Dancing!

One of our favorite ports along our cruise adventure was the Dominican Republic. We took a small boat to a private beach and enjoyed the entire day lounging in the sand and splashing in the waves. Everlee couldn't help showing her enthusiasm and dancing with the locals. At first, she was a little shy but it didn't take her long to show off her rhythm.

Monday, July 4, 2011


While on our family cruise, Everlee turned three and was old enough to participate in the "Aquanauts" activity program. This is an area for children to play, create, and use their imagination. Every day is designed around a new theme. Everlee's visit landed her in the middle of "Pirate Night". The counselors dressed the children as pirates, had them decorate their own bandannas, and taught them pirate songs. They scoured the deck, singing their songs, and looking for treasure. Everlee's obsession with pirate's began on this night. Her favorite past time became making pirate faces! Aaaaaargh!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Am Three!


Once again we have been fortunate to embark on another family cruise and celebrate Everlee's third birthday sailing the high seas. In fact, Everlee has celebrated every birthday aboard a cruise ship. It makes for quite a birthday celebration. This year, Everlee took great pride in telling and showing everyone around her she was three years old. One night at dinner, Mimi, showed Everlee how to hold up her three fingers. This was an act seen throughout the rest of the cruise and an act she continues to show when asked her age. Everlee especially loved the attention she received at dinner when the staff sang her "Happy Birthday". It is hard to believe our little girl is growing up fast and becoming her own little person.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dancin' Queens

One has to love impromptu pizza parties. We called a few friends, last minute, and decided to have a pizza/pool party. We had a perfect evening filled with treats and a splash in the pool. Everlee loved the fact her two good friends were able to join the festivities. It is so nice when you love the parents of your child's friends. As the night went on everyone started to get a little goofy and the music started playing. Everlee, Stella, and Kaia ended the evening with their version of what it means to be "Dancin' Queens". No matter the song, they found the beat!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Shining Star

Everlee never hesitates to dance or sing at any given moment. Lately, she has been belting out this song where we can only recognize the word, "You!" Her teachers have even asked us about the famous solo because it seems to be her favorite activity at school while using a wooden block as a microphone. I'm not sure quite how long her career will last in the music field but for now she is a "Shining Star".

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"From My Butt"

For the past few months we have been working really hard with Everlee to help her potty train. She has been doing a fabulous job and I'm impressed with her ability to adapt to the new routine. We still have one area to conquer before she can be considered truly "potty trained". Which brings me to my next post, a little gross but very funny.

Tonight, I was in the kitchen getting ready to prepare dinner when Everlee walks in with a ball in her hand. After closer examination, I realize it is a ball of poop. (I tell myself not to panic or cringe). Naturally, I ask Everlee, "Did you poop?" She says, "No." Next logical question being, "Well, where did this poop come from?" Everlee looks at me as if the answer should be obvious. "From my butt!" Enough said.

Waving the White Flag

Everlee has slowly started to show us she (THINKS) she is capable of making her own decisions. Whether or not we know what is best she seems to think she knows what is better. Taking daily naps is a great example. Regardless of the fact that she becomes cranky, grouchy, argumentative, and a ball of tears without a nap, she still thinks she doesn't need it. One day, we decided to just let her "cry it out". There were several minutes of banging on the door, crying out our name, screaming at the top of her lungs, etc. Finally, there was peace and quiet....there was peace and quiet for several hours. When we finally went to wake her up, pleased she had seen the light and realized we knew what was best, we found quite a scene. Everlee made it clear what she thought of our daily naps. I guess after realizing we would not give in, she waved the white flag. She gave in, crawled under her chair, and finally decided to take a nap.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rock-A-Bye Baby

One of Everlee's favorite songs at this moment is Rock-A-Bye Baby. She loves it when I cradle her in my arms, sing her the song, and pretend to fall when the songs sings, "the cradle will fall". The other day in the tub she had her baby and I caught her singing the very same song to her doll. It was so endearing to see her mimicking what I do with her....cradle and all!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Egg Hunt 2011

On Sunday, April 10, 2011 we enjoyed our first Easter egg hunt of the season. We had a beautiful day celebrating with our close friends. Everlee had such a great time hunting the eggs, dashing through the yard in pursuit of candy filled eggs, and sharing her discoveries with her good friends. At first, she wanted to stop and open every single egg before going onto the next. We quickly reminded her to grab the eggs first and marvel over its contents later. All the kids were eager to share their eggs with each other along with their candy treats. It is so nice to see them sharing.....there might come a day when sharing doesn't come quite as easily. All in all, it we couldn't ask for a better day with better weather or better friends. We are so lucky to have such a great group of friends all with such wonderful children.

Posing for the Camera!
Racing for eggs with Stella!
Catch me if you can!
Stopping to wave to all your friends.
Scouting the area looking for eggs

The Race is on!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Got it!

As days go by I try to make a mental note of every sweet thing Everlee attempts, says, experiences, etc. I have found it impossible no matter how hard I try. It is hard to believe as she grows older the days seem to get shorter. I find myself being in constant awe of her triumphs and struggles because no matter what she is facing Everlee has this amazing way of looking on the bright side of things. Through the eyes of a two year old she is reminding me to take a moment and be proud of even the little things I accomplish.

Everlee has become very self sufficient in the past few months whether it be unbuttoning and buttoning her coat, taking off her shoes, finding little treasures she has hidden throughout the day, or trying to use the potty. With every success, she jumps up and says, "I Got It!" She is so proud of herself and it shines through. Even if she has to ask for help (Momma help) she still concludes with "I Got it!" It is so refreshing to see her at such a young age exude such confidence.

It makes me wonder, "At what age do we start to doubt ourselves?" When do we start to lose our confidence and stop shouting from the roof tops "I Got It!"? Lack of confidence is obviously not something we are taught but maybe as we get older we need to reteach this lesson which comes so easily to a two year old. Thank you, Everlee, for reteaching me something I have long since forgotten. Thank you for reminding me it is okay to be proud of all of my accomplishments no matter how small and the next time I won't be afraid to shout, "I Got It!"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fat Tuesday!

To celebrate Fat Tuesday we went to the local Chic-Fil-A where they had an entire evening planned with fun filled activities. We met Alison and Stella Reid for some fun and games. The girls enjoyed a Kids Meal followed by a scavenger hunt in play area. Everlee was a handy helper when it came to helping others find their treasures. Everlee was super excited to climb the slide for those who were nervous. I was so proud of her helpfulness. We all enjoyed making our very own sundaes and searching for the "baby doll" in the Mardi Gras themed cake. We didn't find it but had we, we would have won a year free of Chic-Fil-A. The best part was the face painter. Everlee and Stella did a remarkable job sitting still while the artist painted their entire face. I was impressed with their patience and her speed. We came away with a very friendly tiger. Everlee loved making tiger noises all the way home. It was a little sad when tubby time arrived and the paint was washed away. Luckily, we were able to capture the ferocious growl on video.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tea Time!

Everlee, MiMi and I all went to the Wilmington Tea Room for the first time over my Winter Break. Everlee did a wonderful job sipping her tea and even managed to hold her little pinky in the air like a real tea drinker. I think her favorite part was the abundance of sugar cubes. Just like when I was little she loved eating them and dropping the cubes in every one's tea cup. We had the best time and it clearly with be on the tradition list.

Giddy Up!

Everlee's first horse ride!

Everlee was inviting to a birthday party by Camille, a little girl in her class. Since Camille likes to horse back ride she had her party at the Shady Paddock Ranch. I wasn't sure how Everlee would interact with the horses since she had no experience except her stuffed pony at home. She conquered the stuffed pony with ease and actually did the same with the real horses. Everlee never hesitated once when we asked her if she wanted to ride the horse. She did a great job wearing her helmet, holding onto the reigns, and riding like a real jockey. It was amazing to watch her and amazing to be reminded once again what a big girl she is becoming.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Disaster

Everlee enjoyed a sugar filled valentine's Day between the goodies from a school party and the goodies she received from all her grandparents. She was bouncing off the wall until around 7pm when she came crashing down rather quickly. Everlee was so worked up, she didn't know what to do with herself. Once she realized Shane and I would not give into her tantrum, she started asking for her MiMi. Thinking MiMi would come to rescue. She shortly gave up but not before it was all caught on tape. I know she will love to see this when she is older!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pedi Please!

Everlee has become fascinated with my painted toes. Whenever she sees my toes newly painted she says she wants a pedicure as well. "Paint, Momma." She loves to have me put cotton between her toes (no smudges) and paint each toe. She even knows enough about pedicures to request a top coat. Like mother, Like daughter. The video is a little dark but you can see how Everlee makes sure she blows on her toes to help each one dry quickly.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black and Gold

Getting ready for the BIG game!

We had a great time getting ready for the BIG game. Everlee and I made sure we were all decked out ready to sport our Steelers colors. We were given cheers and "High 5's" all around town as we ran our errands prepping for the night ahead. All though we brought our game face, it wasn't enough for the Steelers to clench their 7th Super Bowl Title. We can't complain because we had a great season and a great time dressing the part!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Black and Gold

Everlee was so excited about the BIG game she couldn't wait to try on my official NFL Steelers helmet and wave her Terrible Towel. It never dawned on her the helmet might weigh more than she does. It didn't stop this dedicated fan from showing her team spirit. Although difficult, Everlee still managed to wave her towel and some what balance the helmet on her head. She even managed to chant, "Go Steelers!" Unfortunately, our team didn't take home their 7th Super Bowl ring but Everlee still managed to watch two Steeler Super Bowls in 2 years which is pretty good for a 2 1/2 year old. So now we will practice our Terrible Towel waving skills until August. Go Black and Gold!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gymnastics 101

Everlee enjoyed her first visit to gymnastics. She amazed me with her composure and ability to follow close directions when others were running around in all directions. It is probably the most focus I have ever seen her besides when she focuses on Dora the Explorer. The Coach walked the children through 3 different stations which included rock walls, balance beams, uneven bars, and the infamous foam pit. Even a few parents took the plunge into the foam pit. Trust me, it really is hard to resist. Everlee was hooked from the first somersault and we are counting the days till next Saturday.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Make Over

Everlee has always had an obsession with both chap stick and lip gloss. She loves to put it on her lips, smack them together, and pass out lip gloss soaked kisses. It wasn't until Christmas vacation when she became curious about ALL of the make-up in my bag. She was especially curious when it came to the eye shadow and brushes so I let her play with a few. She enjoyed every minute of the application. She needs to work on her aim but at least it all made it on her face.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"All You Need Is Love" (Hug)

Recently, Everlee has moved into her toddler bed so it has made our night time routine and little different. Since Everlee is able to get out of her bed and roam around as she pleases, we have spent a little more time snuggling in bed, reading stories, and singing songs. Her newest aversion to sleep is asking for milk and juice. I will tell her numerous times she can only have water since she has already brushed her teeth. This specific routine happened again last night. We were finally in bed and she asked again for juice. I explained she could have water. She said, "No." I replied with, "What would you like?" She reached her arms out and simply said, "A Hug, Love you Mommy!" She can have all the hugs she wants, anytime of day. Sometimes after a long day all you really need is a hug.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Little Baby With Your Lotion

Every time we give Everlee a bath she helps us lather her with lotion. She has imitated this act with her baby dolls on numerous occasions. She was extremely efficient the other night after her tubby time. Shane and I were obviously not supervising her like we should because we walked into her room to discover quite a plethora of lotion doused on the baby doll. She was rather proud of her parenting abilities and so were we. Everlee didn't miss a spot on her baby doll, her face, or the side of her bed.

Terrible Towel

There was nothing better than celebrating my birthday weekend with my family and having a Steeler AFC Championship Win. The Steelers beat the Jets clenching a spot in the Super Bowl and it all happened on my birthday weekend. What a fantastic gift! Anyone who knows me, knows that I bleed Black and Gold. I am the first to admit I take my football WAY to seriously. I can actually recall watching the Steelers play while growing up in California with my parents. I especially remember watching the games with my father. He took me to my very first game in San Diego against the Chargers. I remember being slightly older than Everlee watching the "old past time favorite". Naturally, we had to start Everlee off on the right foot. She wasn't even a year old when she first watched the Steelers win their 6th Super Bowl title. While watching the game on Sunday, Everlee knew exactly what to do with her Terrible Towel. She cheered, "Go,Go, Go....Run, Run, Run" throughout the game waving the Black and Gold. Everlee also knew exactly whose towel belonged to whom. Win, Lose, or Tie a Steelers fan until we die....We will never throw in the TOWEL!!!

Baby Goes Pee Pee Too!

Everlee has been doing a great job when it comes to potty training. She is a regular at school and has gone quite a few times as home. She is taking it so seriously, she even makes sure her baby doll goes "pee pee" and "poo poo" on the potty. She will undress her baby doll and take it to the bathroom to use the potty. She always makes sure the baby doll flushes the toilet and washes her hands. It is so fun to watch her play "mommy". She is so gentle and thoughtful when it comes to caring for her baby dolls. Everlee always encourages those around her and is always quick to help others feel good about themselves. It is amazing how much influence she can have to those around her.

Since we have started potty training Everlee, she has become very aware of people and poop. Everlee likes to announce to whomever will listen, that someone has "pooped." Usually, this is not the case but she still likes to share the news whether public or private. Everlee's new favorite phrase seems to be, "Momma Pooped" "Dadda Pooped" "I Pooped". I have finally convinced to make a general statement of "Everybody Poops." We don't need our family secrets being made public.
First Time on the Potty- Poo Poo 1/9/11 Pee Pee 1/11/11

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dancing Queen

Everlee loves to dance and she loves to sing. I finally had the camera ready when she was dancing. I especially loved this song by, Jamie Johnson because it sounded like something my dad would listen to. My dad loved to dance with my mom and dance in the kitchen. I wanted to capture Everlee dancing to this song because I could imagine my dad dancing with her. There isn't anything he would have loved more. Everlee has know idea how one little song and one little dance could bring back a world of memories. It makes you realize how important it is to take the time to stop and do a "little dance."

Splish, Splash Taking a Bath!

Although I love almost every single moment of parenthood, I simply love watching Everlee enjoy the simple things in life. She gets so much pleasure from taking a "Tubby." Who knew the mention of the word "Tubby" could take a screaming, kicking two year old and put them into a trance. Everlee simply loves to splash in the tub no matter the time of day. Once she hears the magic word she will immediately run to room, grab her towel, and start to kick off her shoes. Since she has gained this new sense of independence she wants to do it all herself. Carry the towel, turn on the water, pour the bubbles, take off her clothes, and climb in. The whole process takes longer this way but it is such a joy to experience with her. She loves to splash the water, blow the bubbles, and play with her dolls. I wish her entire life could be this carefree and relaxed. I hope she will always look at the world as a relaxing bubble bath...some to enjoy and savor.