Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Splish, Splash Taking a Bath!

Although I love almost every single moment of parenthood, I simply love watching Everlee enjoy the simple things in life. She gets so much pleasure from taking a "Tubby." Who knew the mention of the word "Tubby" could take a screaming, kicking two year old and put them into a trance. Everlee simply loves to splash in the tub no matter the time of day. Once she hears the magic word she will immediately run to room, grab her towel, and start to kick off her shoes. Since she has gained this new sense of independence she wants to do it all herself. Carry the towel, turn on the water, pour the bubbles, take off her clothes, and climb in. The whole process takes longer this way but it is such a joy to experience with her. She loves to splash the water, blow the bubbles, and play with her dolls. I wish her entire life could be this carefree and relaxed. I hope she will always look at the world as a relaxing bubble bath...some to enjoy and savor.

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