Monday, April 4, 2011

I Got it!

As days go by I try to make a mental note of every sweet thing Everlee attempts, says, experiences, etc. I have found it impossible no matter how hard I try. It is hard to believe as she grows older the days seem to get shorter. I find myself being in constant awe of her triumphs and struggles because no matter what she is facing Everlee has this amazing way of looking on the bright side of things. Through the eyes of a two year old she is reminding me to take a moment and be proud of even the little things I accomplish.

Everlee has become very self sufficient in the past few months whether it be unbuttoning and buttoning her coat, taking off her shoes, finding little treasures she has hidden throughout the day, or trying to use the potty. With every success, she jumps up and says, "I Got It!" She is so proud of herself and it shines through. Even if she has to ask for help (Momma help) she still concludes with "I Got it!" It is so refreshing to see her at such a young age exude such confidence.

It makes me wonder, "At what age do we start to doubt ourselves?" When do we start to lose our confidence and stop shouting from the roof tops "I Got It!"? Lack of confidence is obviously not something we are taught but maybe as we get older we need to reteach this lesson which comes so easily to a two year old. Thank you, Everlee, for reteaching me something I have long since forgotten. Thank you for reminding me it is okay to be proud of all of my accomplishments no matter how small and the next time I won't be afraid to shout, "I Got It!"

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