Sunday, December 12, 2010

Orange you happy to see me?

Everyday I am amazed at how clever Everlee's little mind works. She is able to pick up things I would never even consider. I think this goes to show just how much we need to slow down and take notice of the little things. I can't remember a time I wasn't busy making a check list in my head. I wish I could spend one day in her mind, just to help me slow down and take notice of the valuable things around me.

Shane brought home a basket of grapefruits and oranges from a school fundraiser. We made a point of putting them in a large white bowl both for decor and to help us remember to eat them. Everlee was standing on her chair at the counter helping me make dinner one night when I heard her say, "Baby, Mommy, and Daddy." Followed by, "Ooooh, look at the baby." I turned and realized she was talking about the grapefruits and oranges. She said the oranges were the babies since they were the smallest and the graefruits were the mommy's and daddy's since they were bigger. She seemed at peace knowing the baby orange was with its mommy and daddy. Why hadn't I ever thought of fruit in that way? Maybe because I never took the time to think about it or make the association. I am glad she took the time to teach me how to look at the world through the eyes of a baby.....even if it was a baby orange.

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