Friday, December 17, 2010

Kiss Me Goodbye!

I think as a parent you constantly worry about your child no matter the age. Whether it be their physical safety or their emotional well being. Even though Everlee is only 2 yrs.old I find myself worrying about whether or not she has friends, if she is a kind friend, do kids play with her at school, do they include her in their activities, etc. I know this worry may be a little premature but seeing it day in and day out as a fourth grade teacher, I think it is only natural to worry. I am happy to say my worry was put to ease when I picked her up at school right before the holiday break. As we were putting on her coat, a little boy named Michael came up to give Everlee a hug and planted a kiss on her cheek. It was followed by her entire classes lining up saying, "I say Bye to Everlee." It may not have been the most sanitary situation but it was so touching to see these little children express their feelings so openly. Not one child hesitated to get up, give her a hug, and a quick kiss on the cheek. I wonder what the world would be like if everyone was so so open and loving? Would the world be a more peaceful place if everyone was given a quick kiss on the cheek?

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