Friday, September 24, 2010

Brushy, Brushy, Brushy

I know this sounds like a silly song to sing while brushing your teeth but so far it has worked great with Everlee. I actually got the song from the movie, Grease. It has always stuck in my head so I just went with it. On September 16, 2010 Everlee had her first dentist appoitment and I was terrified her teeth wouldn't be clean enough. We do the best we can when it comes to brushing twice a day and getting the toothbrush to actually touch the teeth. There have been days where it is a knock down, drag out fight. (Exaggerating of course) But there have been days where it just wasn't going to happen...not even if I bribed her with a coookie afterwards. So I was delightfully surprised when the Dentist said her teeth were very clean, no cavitities, and the spacing was perfect for adult teeth. Toot, Toot (My own horn) I guess this is a lesson in not stressing over the little things. Everlee's teeth are fine, she is fine, and overall everything will be fine even if her teeth are not primed and polished twice a day, every day!

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