Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't forget the keys (another example of Everlee's brillance)

Everlee and I decided to go on a little shopping trip before hitting Kaia's 2nd birthday party. Everlee decided we must take along Elmo and her green baseball bat (plastic of course). So I grabbed Everlee, the diaper bag, the bag of items to return, Elmo, and the baseball bat and proceeded out the door. I didn't occur to me to make things easier and take two trips. I am SuperMom and I have arms of steel. Once I had Everlee, Elmo, and the baseball bat strapped into the car I went back to turn on the house alarm. Alarm was set, I was in the car, and we were ready to hit the road. I turned to Everlee triumphant and said, "Are we ready to shop?" She starred at me, pointed to the house door and said, "Key, Key, Key." It took a moment before I realized what she meant. I had forgotten the keys to the car. I was so busy it never donned on me to grab the keys. I'm glad my quick thinking almost two year old was on the ball. Glad she didn't forget the keys.

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