Sunday, July 29, 2012

Road Trip 2012

Enjoying the Smithsonian

Visiting Grandpa and trying to get Nash not to cry

Super Heroes LOVE the carousel at Six Flags

This ride was faster than we thought

Everlee was a brave lone rider

Way UP High

This isn't so bad

With our newest arrival, Nash, we haven't done quite the traveling we usually do each summer.  This summer we have spent lazy days by the pool and digging in the sand at the beach.  Mimi and I decided to takes the kids on a little jaunt to D.C.  We wanted a little taste of home, to visit the museums, Grandpa at Arlington, and brave the wild roller coasters at Six Flags.   Although Nash slept most of the trip, Everlee loved seeing the dinosaurs at the Smithsonian.  She was mesmerized by all the animal displays, the aquarium, and the floating butterflies.  

Next stop, Six Flags!  Everlee and I rode rides no-stop and some multiple times.  I'm not sure who had more fun....Everlee or me.  Her favorite ride was a runaway train type coaster.  I was actually impressed with the speed for such a small coaster.  Everlee insisted we dare the coaster 4 times.  We tackled the hot air balloons, the carousel, and Sylvester the Cat DROP.  The large drop was a bit frightening but Everlee didn't seem the least bit bothered.  She didn't even mind that she was the sole rider.  It is apparent we have a little dare devil on our hands.  All in all, it was a perfect trip to end a perfect summer.  Reality will be here soon enough!

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