Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy 2 Months, Nash!!

So in-love with those cheeks!

Learning to love the "Ba Ba"

Always Smiling!

Getting ready to giggle!

Lovin' his Big sister

They say time flies with your first baby...which is true, but seems to move at lightening speed with your second child.  I still can't quite believe our little man, Nash, is 2 months old.  It seems like yesterday we were holding him as a newborn in the hospital.  He seems to be growing and changing so quickly with his first smile, first laugh, and he has already rolled from his tummy to his back.  Everlee seems to get the biggest smiles when she sings to Nash.  His toothless grin always lights up the room.  We recently went to Nash's 2 month check-up where he weighed 14.8 lbs.  He was in the 97% for his height and OFF the charts for his weight.  His sweet smile and kissable cheeks remind me to slow down and fill each day with as much cuddle time as possible.  

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