Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Grandparents Day 2012

Everlee celebrated and performed in her very first "Grandparent's Day" at CFA on November 20th, right before the Thanksgiving holiday.  Grandparent's Day is a chance for all the children to come together and perform for the grandparents and special friends.  In the audience, was Mimi, Dave, Mi-Ma, Pap-Pap, Uncle Travis and Mommy.  All of the Little Explorers did a beautiful job with each song and dance.  The best part was the "May Pole" and the party afterwards in the classroom.  It was a perfect start to a perfect holiday.  We look forward to many, many more GPD celebrations!

Monday, November 19, 2012

First School Performance!

For weeks, Everlee practiced her Little Explorer songs at home in preparation for her fall debut on November 19th.  She constantly sang, "Yellow Submarine" and "This Land is Your Land."  Before the big day, every person in the family knew the lyrics and anticipated the start of the performance.  Everlee loves to sing, dance, and create her very own songs based on the experiences around her.  I am sure we will one day see her name in lights.  For now, she loves the stage with her closest friends by her side.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy 6 Months, Nash!

Sixth months was a very big month for our "Little Buddy".  He started sitting up which he loved the most since it made it much easier to play with his Big sister, Everlee.  He still needed a little help, but with each passing day he became more and more independent.  Nash started to show signs of his top two teeth coming in.  We are already singing, "All I want for Christmas are my Two Front Teeth".  I am sure they will be here before Santa Claus slides down the chimney.  The most impressive milestone was when he started to say "MaMa" for the first time.  I am thrilled that my "Little Buddy" chose me for his first word.  Everlee said "DaDa" first so this makes be extremely happy!!  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

This year we were so excited to "add" and second pumpkin to our family "Pumpkin Patch".  Everlee and Nash did a fabulous job picking out large, small, and in-between sized pumpkins at the Wesley Methodist Church.  We look forward to this excursion every single year.  I think this year was a record topper....over 50 pounds in pumpkins!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Happy 4 Months, Nash!

It is hard to believe our little man is already 4 months old.  Nash has started to et to eat his veggies which started with green peas and was followed by sweet potatoes.  Mommy is trying something new and actually attempting to make baby food from scratch.  It doesn't seem too difficult so hopefully it will be edible.  Nash still continues to love to be swaddle every night before bed and during nap time.  While at daycare, they constantly confirm he will not sleep soundly unless he is tight;y swaddled.  Nash is a man who knows what he wants.  Nash is also starting to love the bath and enjoys "splishing and splashing".  Big Sister Everlee enjoys taking a part in the "tubby"time role and is always eager to help mom give Nash a bath.  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Day as a Little Explorer!

First day at CFA

Lovin' the new purple lunch box

Proud Parents

Playing in our new classroom

Showing Daddy how to fold a napkin

I found this poem and it pretty much sums up how I was feeling on Everlee's first day at CFA.  The wonderful thing about having her attend CFA is I know it is the best school in Wilmington, she is only a quick walk away, and she is loved by her teachers and friends.  Although, we have an advantage on her first day (because I can catch a glimpse of her throughout the day) it is still hard letting her go.  I know she is ready for this next stage in her life....but I'm not quite as ready.  I know she will be challenged and will find success.  I know she won't be perfect at everything but she will learn from her mistakes.  I know she will have her feelings hurt but will learn what it means to also be cherished by others.  I know she will learn to stand up for herself and learn when to back down.  I know she will be disappointed but will also learn the value of reaching a goal.  I know her good days will far out number her bad days.  I know her life won't be perfect no matter how hard we try but in the end it will help continue to make her the fabulous person she is today.

I wonder what you're doing right now,
And if everyone is treating you kind.
I hope there is a special person,
A nice friend that you can find.

I wonder if the teacher knows
Just how special you are to me.
And if the brightness of your heart
Is something she can see.

I wonder if you are thinking of me,
And if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your voice
And how you give my leg a tug

I wonder if you could possibly understand
How hard it is for me to let you grow.
On this day know that my heart breaks,
For this is the first step in letting my baby go.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy 3 Months, Nash!

It is hard to believe our little "buddy" is 3 months old.  I look forward to Nash's big toothless grin every morning.  It has amazing how someone so small can be such a burst of sunshine.  He is always so happy and carefree.  Nash has found his feet and can't stop kicking and shaking.  He loves to play on his mat and grab anything within reach.  Nash has rolled over once from his tummy to back.  I think he is close to doing it again once he figures out the logistics.  At 3 months, Nash started at Kids and Company where he was gifted with his very first cold.  Even with a stuffy nose, he maintains a smile on his face.  Everlee can't wait until he is a little stronger, able to sit up, and play with his big sister.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Road Trip 2012

Enjoying the Smithsonian

Visiting Grandpa and trying to get Nash not to cry

Super Heroes LOVE the carousel at Six Flags

This ride was faster than we thought

Everlee was a brave lone rider

Way UP High

This isn't so bad

With our newest arrival, Nash, we haven't done quite the traveling we usually do each summer.  This summer we have spent lazy days by the pool and digging in the sand at the beach.  Mimi and I decided to takes the kids on a little jaunt to D.C.  We wanted a little taste of home, to visit the museums, Grandpa at Arlington, and brave the wild roller coasters at Six Flags.   Although Nash slept most of the trip, Everlee loved seeing the dinosaurs at the Smithsonian.  She was mesmerized by all the animal displays, the aquarium, and the floating butterflies.  

Next stop, Six Flags!  Everlee and I rode rides no-stop and some multiple times.  I'm not sure who had more fun....Everlee or me.  Her favorite ride was a runaway train type coaster.  I was actually impressed with the speed for such a small coaster.  Everlee insisted we dare the coaster 4 times.  We tackled the hot air balloons, the carousel, and Sylvester the Cat DROP.  The large drop was a bit frightening but Everlee didn't seem the least bit bothered.  She didn't even mind that she was the sole rider.  It is apparent we have a little dare devil on our hands.  All in all, it was a perfect trip to end a perfect summer.  Reality will be here soon enough!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Purple Birthday Party!!

Traditional Birthday Family Photo

Mommy and her two angels

Everlee "Striking" a pose

Swimming is the best part of the day

Everlee eating pizza with her BFF, Stella

Nash couldn't be happier

Eyeing the "Purple" cupcakes

Making a Wish

4 Eyes

Nash hanging with his buddies

For Everlee's 4th birthday she wanted everything to be purple.  She asked for purple cupcakes, purple balloons, and purple popcorn.  The whole party was covered in purple.  We enjoyed yet another birthday surrounded by family and friends splashing in the pool.  It was a perfect day to take a dip and snack on delicious pizza.  Everlee is always so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends.  I think everyone enjoyed "posing" in the faux photo booth, swimming in the pool, and snacking on pizza and "purple" cupcakes!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy 2 Months, Nash!!

So in-love with those cheeks!

Learning to love the "Ba Ba"

Always Smiling!

Getting ready to giggle!

Lovin' his Big sister

They say time flies with your first baby...which is true, but seems to move at lightening speed with your second child.  I still can't quite believe our little man, Nash, is 2 months old.  It seems like yesterday we were holding him as a newborn in the hospital.  He seems to be growing and changing so quickly with his first smile, first laugh, and he has already rolled from his tummy to his back.  Everlee seems to get the biggest smiles when she sings to Nash.  His toothless grin always lights up the room.  We recently went to Nash's 2 month check-up where he weighed 14.8 lbs.  He was in the 97% for his height and OFF the charts for his weight.  His sweet smile and kissable cheeks remind me to slow down and fill each day with as much cuddle time as possible.  

Monday, July 2, 2012

Turning 4!

Everlee turns 4!!

Realizing safety is a serious issue!

Taking her new scooter for a spin 

With every passing day I continue to be amazed with how Everlee
is growing.  I find myself constantly saying, "I remember when...".
I try to account for all of her milestones, triumphs, insights,
realizations, and everyday wonders but as she grows older,
everyday is filled with so many life experiences.  One thing I have
really noticed this year is her way to communicate.  It touches
my heart to have a one-on-one meaningful conversation with her.
I tend to answer quite a few "Why" questions with every discussion
but it really makes me see the world for what it is through the eyes of
 a 4 year old.  Everlee isn't afraid to tell us how she is feeling:
happy, sad, mad ("I mad at you!"), scared, excited, or even if her
feelings have been hurt.  Since she has become so in touch with her
feelings, we have to make a point of really watching what we are
saying and how we address certain situations.  For example, the
other day I was a little stern with Everlee because she did not have
her best "listening ears" on and we were in a hurry.  Once we were
in the car Everlee made a point of telling me how I had hurt her feelings.
 She also said it wasn't nice to hurt people's feelings and we should always
say sorry.  Since I had lost my temper, I did apologize and explained why I
was frustrated.  What does she say?  "It's okay, Mom.  It was an accident.
 Things happen."  I wish adults could always be as forgiving.  One thing
I enjoy doing is looking back at all her favorite things for the year.
Here are a few of her daily favorites..........

Everlee is still a fan of her favorite shows like Dora the Explorer and
Jake and the Neverland Pirates but she has picked up a few new
 favorites throughout the year.  Whenever we mention
Mike the Night, Everlee knows it is close to bed time.  She also enjoys
 watching and picking out the letters to Super Why.  Super Why is one
of our favorites since it helps her to learn her letters.  Everlee loves to point
out every "E" and "M" she sees round town and claim they stand for her
name "Everlee Miller".  I am impressed with how well she has learned
her colors, shapes, letters, and her ability to count.  She is a constant
sponge absorbing everything around her.   

If Everlee were to choose a movie for movie night it would most likely be:
Puss and Boots, Happy Feat Two, or a Disney Princess movie.  She
loves to see the Magic Kingdom at the beginning of each Disney movie
and ask if we can take her there.    Little does she know, we have a 5th birthday
 celebration planned for the summer of 2013 aboard the Disney Cruise ship, Fantasy.
 I can't wait to see her face when she realizes she is going to meet Mickey Mouse
in person.  I think we may be more excited than her.  

Everlee's favorite past time is playing in her play room and bedroom with
all of her toys. Since receiving her doll house from Santa Claus she really enjoys
playing with her dolls and creating make-believe stories.  We will often hear
her calling for "Mommy" but it is just the dolls talking.  She has started
to love Barbie Dolls and playing house.  It is a true joy to watch her play
house and Barbies with her friends.  They have all reached an age when
they really enjoy each others company.....as long as they are not arguing
over taking turns.    Everlee has also reached the age where she was asking
for specific things for her birthday.  This year she loves the color purple
and really wanted a purple skooter.  Mimi and dave searched the world and
were only able to find a pink skooter.  Everlee of course loved the skooter,
but informed us we could easily paint it purple.  The funniest moment was the
 first day she received her "Gooter".  She was rather upset when it was tim to
go to bed because she wanted her "Gooter" in sight.  We solved the problem
quickly by parking the skooter next to her bed in arms reach.  Everlee took it a
step further and shined her flashlight on the skooter so she could watch it all night
long.  We finally had to turn the flashlight off once she fell asleep.  Her head
was pointe towards the skooter all night.  

Everlee has always had a love for music and dancing and this has continued
throughout the year. Everlee now likes to sing songs from her favorite shows and
movies.  One of her favorite things to do is call us in to her bedroom for our own
 private show.  She loves to make up songs about different experiences.  Everlee
created a song about Tinker Bell and Peter Pan, Going Night-Night, and even a
song about Mommy spilling a slurpie in her car.  The "Slurpie" song was my favorite
because Everlee sang about the spill and how Daddy was going to clean it up.
Daddy did just as the song said.  Here are two of Everlee's performances!!

Luckily, this year Everlee has become a much better eater.  She still doesn't eat a
lot but her variety of flavors is growing.  Her favorite food item is broccoli.
She wants broccoli for every single meal.  She doesn't like cold broccoli but
will eat a pound if it is steamed.  At least, we don't have trouble getting her to
 eat her veggies...brushing her teeth is another story.

Purple, Purple, Purple! Everlee's world would be perfect if everything was
covered in the color purple. She wants purple nail polish to paint her toes, purple
Popsicles after school, purple juice at dinner, and purple ice cream on her birthday
cake. If Everlee is ever given a choice of color, she will always pick purple. In the
weeks leading up to her birthday party, Everlee made sure we were going to
have purple cupcakes, purple balloons, and purple popcorn. She has made her
way through blue and purple.  We are anxious to see the next color of the rainbow
....maybe Pink?