Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eeeewwwww with a Splish and a Splash

On June 14, 2010 we spent another blissful afternoon in the pool. Everlee and I were in the process of getting ready for a bath and trying to peel off the swim diaper. When the diaper was almost totally inside out ( and still on Everlee) I noticed there was quite a poopy mess. Everlee immediately started saying, "Eeeewwww, Eeeeewwww!" I quickly grabbed her, took her to her room, and tried my best to get the soaking diaper off without making a mess. But that didn't happen. It is almost impossible to get a pooped filled swim diaper off without getting a spot on the floor. Luckily, it wasn't much, I ran to grab the carpet cleaner and towel. When I came back to Everlee's room she had grabbed a baby wipe and was proceeding to try and wipe up the carpet. What a big little helper!

Once the mess was clean I asked Everlee to wait in her room while I passed off the dirty diaper to Dad. As I walked across the living room floor I heard a faint, "Splish, Splash." Everlee had already crawled into the bathtub and proceeded to start taking her bath. (The tub was already filled with appropriate temperature water.) Guess she was ready and tired of waiting.

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