Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Don't forget the lotion!

Everlee has started to play with her dolls and loves to take care of them. She will often mimic what I do with her. The other night she was putting a diaper on all her dolls and decided to go for the lotion that we use after the tub. She pretended to put lotion on her hands and rub it on her dolls legs and arms. This is something that we do after the tub each night. It was so cute to watch her do what we do together. She even said, "Eeeewwwww", pinched her nose, and changed the dolls diaper too. I guess even Elmo dolls can make a stinky diaper.

Eeeewwwww with a Splish and a Splash

On June 14, 2010 we spent another blissful afternoon in the pool. Everlee and I were in the process of getting ready for a bath and trying to peel off the swim diaper. When the diaper was almost totally inside out ( and still on Everlee) I noticed there was quite a poopy mess. Everlee immediately started saying, "Eeeewwww, Eeeeewwww!" I quickly grabbed her, took her to her room, and tried my best to get the soaking diaper off without making a mess. But that didn't happen. It is almost impossible to get a pooped filled swim diaper off without getting a spot on the floor. Luckily, it wasn't much, I ran to grab the carpet cleaner and towel. When I came back to Everlee's room she had grabbed a baby wipe and was proceeding to try and wipe up the carpet. What a big little helper!

Once the mess was clean I asked Everlee to wait in her room while I passed off the dirty diaper to Dad. As I walked across the living room floor I heard a faint, "Splish, Splash." Everlee had already crawled into the bathtub and proceeded to start taking her bath. (The tub was already filled with appropriate temperature water.) Guess she was ready and tired of waiting.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

All in a Days Work or Play

It is a miracle to watch Everlee every single day and night. It still puts me in awe at how much things seem to change from day to day. One day she is doing this and the next day it is that. She has been growing so quickly before my very eyes. I'm afraid to blink in fear that I might miss something. Here is what you are up to now:
* All Done- Every time you are tired of doing something whether it be brushing your teeth, having your hair brushed, eating, getting dressed you will say "All Done". Even if you have only been brushing your teeth for a second (literally) when you want to stop you will say "All Done."
* Uh-Oh- You love to throw food, toys, anything you can reach and say "Uh-Oh" as if it were a mistake when in fact it was on purpose.
* You love to be the center of attention (which we love to give you!) You love to clap your hands and say with confidence "Yea!" or "Yippee". You will do something over and over again to get the same reaction. I hope you always have this much confidence...especially in your teen years.
* You are obsessed with Elmo. Elmo dolls, Elmo shoes, Elmo's World. Every morning and every afternoon you want to watch Elmo's World. You could care less about the rest of the Sesame Street Show. You want to fast forward to Elmo's World. You will even go as far as taking the remote and trying to fast forward to your favorite part.
* You love the bathtub. As soon as we say "Tubby" you are running for your towel and heading for the bathroom door. Taking you out of the tun usually ends in tears. You love your toys, you love to splash, and you love to pretend like your swimming.
* You have started to be very specific when it comes to your choice of drinks. It is either milk or juice. You always let us know what your in the mood for. You love your chocolate milk and some days you like it hot and some days cold. You will point and whine at the microwave if you want it hot and say "cold" if that is your preference.
* You always know how to show us you love us. You will gives us lots of hugs and kisses. You love to blow kisses and say, "Mmmwah". This is something I started doing with you every night before you went to bed. I would always blow you kisses and say, "Mmmwah" as I was waling out the door. It touched my heart in a way you will never know the moment you first made this gesture back to me.
* You love to set up your "Little People" in their chairs and set them at the table.
* You love to climb into your own highchair and buckle yourself in. Once you are finished you like to out your Strawberry Shortcake doll into the highchair, buckle her up, put a bib on her, and put the tray into the proper place.
It is amazing to watch how independent you have become at such a young age. You love to mirror what we do with you. It is just another sign that you are growing up and growing older. Another reminder that we need to slow down, count the moments, and remember each passing second. Before we know it, you will be writing the same thing about your children.

What a good mommy!

On June 12, 2010 I noticed the house was rather quiet. I know I should have been over joyed by this moment of solitude but when it is quiet in our house it usually means someone is up to something. I headed into Everlee's room and noticed she had all of her dolls and stuffed animals on the floor surrounded by every single diaper from the changing table. She was being such a good mommy and trying to make sure each doll and stuffed animal had their very own diaper on correctly. She even went as far to make sure her Elmo doll had a Pampers Elmo diaper on. Always paying close attention to detail. This has continued for quite a few days, each day checking to make sure everyone is diapered and ready for the day. It reminds me of when I used to diaper my Cabbage Patch Kids. It looks like "Good Mommies" start young.

Damn that Cup

It has been a few days since this specific event occurred but I have found that life with a child always brings unexpected events. Your time is no longer your own and even though you created a "To Do" List for the day it might actually take several days to complete it. That being said......Just the other day Everlee had her friend Stella over to play in the pool. The girls were busy bouncing back and forth between the BIG pool and the dumping dirt into the blow-up pool. After several minutes in the pool Everlee became focused on a cup. A single "Stackers" cup. This specific cup is used to play a game called "speed stackers" (something like that). Everlee proceeded to take yet another random cup and try to fill the "Stackers" cup up with water. She was very intent on completing this task. What she didn't know was the "Stackers" cup has holes at the bottom. No matter how much water she poured in, it would never fill to the top. We watched her for several minutes, loving her determination, trying not to laugh. She wanted that cup to fill so badly. It was so funny to watch because she never knew the cup had holes at the bottom. (I'm laughing now) Finally, Everlee gave up, picked up the "Stackers" cup, and threw it into the pool as if to say, "Damn Cup!"