Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Welcome, Nash Arrington!

Everlee was excited to hold her little brother for the very first time.  She did a wonderful job swaddling him and seemed curious about all his little movements.  I think she was wondering how he might be like one of her baby dolls.

During the last two months of my pregnancy, Everlee, would sing to my belly every morning and every night.  She would sing the song she created, "I love you, Baby!"  While holding Nash for the first time, Everlee immediately started singing her song creation.  

I was induced on Tuesday, May 15th at 9:00am.  Although, we were in the hospital waiting for Nash's arrival, I hardly felt any pain.  Daddy and I played on the computer, watched a Law and Order SVU marathon, and enjoyed a few episodes of House Hunters.  Nash was delivered by a very special doctor, Dr. Sandra Hall.  She helped take care of me throughout the entire pregnancy.  A funny part of the delivery was right before Nash was born we were all watching an episode of House Hunters which took place in our town of Wilmington, North Carolina.  This very relaxed atmosphere made things so much easier and I didn't worry one bit.  House Hunters will always hold a special place in our hearts. Ha!

Nash Arrington Merle Miller was born on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 7:53 pm.  We didn't know if Nash would be a boy or a girl but we had a pretty strong feeling he was a boy.  I wish I could have video taped Shane's face when he realized he had a son.   Everlee is his princess and now he has his prince.

Everlee was proud to display her "Big Sister" shirt when meeting her brother for the first time.  She did a wonderful job when it came to holding him and giving him plenty of kisses.  Everlee is already very protective of Nash.  When he cries, she makes a point of coming to get me and says, "Mommy, my baby needs you."  We had no doubt she would be the sweetest big sister.

Mimi and Everlee holding Nash for the very first time.

Everlee was excited to finally welcome Nash home.  Since Nash had a slight fever at birth we had to stay an extra night in the hospital.  Even though it was only one more night, it seemed like an eternity before we could finally be home as a family of four.    We were so excited Mimi was able to come down and stay with Everlee the entire time we were at the hospital.  It made being away from home much easier knowing Everlee was being loved by her, Mimi.

When we were in the hospital we discovered Nash had jaundice.  This is something very typical with newborns.  Nash's levels were a little high which required him to be on a Bili Blanket.  When we first heard of the blanket, we pictures just that...a blanket.  It was in fact quite a contraption.  It had a huge coil cord, a large projector type box, and an area of fabric which glowed in the dark.  Although, we hated to have Nash wrapped in this blanket 24 hours a day it did provide some comic relief.  Shane actually said it reminded him of the movie, Tron.  Luckily, he was only on it for 4 days.  We sure were glad to send it back to the hospital.  

Mimi and Dave came to stay with us for a week when Nash came home.  It made the transition to a family of four so much easier and comfortable.  Nash has actually been quite a little sleeper at night.  He has been sleeping for more than 4 hours throughout the night which gives mom and dad a chance to rejuvenate.    We were so well rested, we took advantage of the time to take some family photos.  Everlee was and is so proud every time she holds her baby brother.

Making sure Nash has plenty if "Big Sister" kisses

Mommy and her "Big Girl"

Mommy and both her "Sweet Angels"

A Family of Four

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ready to be a Big Sister!!

We took Everlee to New Hanover Regional Medical Center to participate in the Kangaroo Kapers Sibling Class.  Everlee along with three other children had the opportunity to swaddle, feed, rock, and feed the babies. It was a great chance for Everlee to see what to expect when the baby comes home.  The most important part of the class was when they gave us all tours of the hospital.  I feel better knowing, Everlee, will know where we will be and what the room looks like when we leave to have the baby.  

I think this class has catapulted, Everlee into Big Sister mode.  Ever since the class, Everlee, sings to the baby morning and night.  She sings a self created song, "I love you, Baby!"  She also makes a point of telling me how much she loves the baby and loves me.  I do have to laugh because she always reminds me to take good care of the baby so the baby won't get a "boo boo" and start crying.  Everlee's also concerned with when the baby is coming...she seems to be very ready for her new baby brother or sister.  We explained the baby is going to arrive after Mimi comes to stay with us.  She definitely understands, "When Mimi comes, then the baby comes!"  She is just an anxious as we are to have our newest Miller join the family.  We can't wait to watch her master her role as a Big Sister.

Mmmmm, I Love You Baby!

Everlee has really started to show affection to my ever growing belly.  She loves to talk, sing, and read stories to "her baby".  She is determined the baby is a girl, solely because at the moment she "doesn't like boys".  Today, Everlee loved the baby no matter what and had plenty of kisses to spare.