Friday, April 13, 2012

Soccer Star

Everlee has turned into quite the soccer star this spring. Although she may not be too concerned with the actual mechanics of the game, she definitely loves the social aspect of the time on the field. Everlee loves to enjoy snacks and visiting with school friends while at the soccer field. She loves to chase the ball, give it an occasional kick, and wave to the spectators. One day she may be more concerned with scoring a goal, but for now we are thrilled with her enjoyment of the sport. Even if it is on her own terms.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We had another wonderful time celebrating Easter with family. We started by going to church then back to the house for an Easter Egg Hunt to see what the Easter Bunny brought Everlee. Everlee had quite a few baskets to find followed by a yard hunt for glitter speckled eggs. She seemed more concerned with the eggs than the goodies stuffed inside. Once the hunt was over, we headed to Myrtle Beach for dinner and a little time at the park. Everlee couldn't quite get the "hunting" out of her system. Her favorite activity of the day was hiding the eggs and having us find them. We took turns with this past time for most of the afternoon. Once we tired of the hunt we boarded Uncle Vernon's golf cart and heading toward the local park. It was a long day and took some focus and dedication to stay awake on the way home. We can't wait to see what the Easter Bunny brings us next year!

Posing with the first empty basket

Deciding where to look next

Smiling for the camera

Proving we aren't camera shy