Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Night, Night, Love you!

The night before Shane and I went to Charlotte for the night we were getting Everlee for bed when she whispered the sweetest words. She looked at Shane and said, "Nigh, Nigh Wuv Ou!". Translated as, "Night, Night Love You!" It was music to our ears. July 20, 2010.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baby, Baby, Baby

This event may have happened a month ago but I wanted to make sure I had it down in writing. Since Everlee started taking a liking to baby dolls we decided to surprise her with her first doll. We went to Target thinking this would be a simple task and I was overwhelmed by my options. There were dolls you could take in the tub, with pacifiers, twins, changing stations, bathtubs, highchairs, etc. You name it, they had it for the dolls. We finally settled on the baby with the "Ba Ba" ( pacifier) since Everlee loves her "Ba Ba". We picked her up from school, her last day for the summer. She was excited to see the gift bag with plenty of tissue when she returned home. She quickly discovered the baby and started screeching, "Baby, Baby, Baby" followed by, "Ba Ba, Ba Ba". June 19, 2010.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter

We were getting ready for formal night aboard our Caribbean Cruise this summer when Everlee decided to break out the cabins hair dryer. We thought this scene was rather funny because I had just finished drying my hair. She said she wanted to be, "like Mommy." She is only two and already concerned about her. Funny, since she hardly lets me brush her hair in the morning.